Category: Events

Video: The Denon AVC-A110 Anniversary Model

As part of our HiFi & Friends Expo 2020, we had Roland Krüger from Denon telling us all about the new collector's item to mark the 110th anniversary of the company's existence. The AVC-A110 is a true aficionado's indoor model. The 13.2 channel AV amplifier is 8K capable, supports all 3D audio formats, and looks very chic with its silver-graphite finish. Everything else on the anniversary model can be found in our video.

HiFi & Friends Expo 2020: 3rd – 5th of September

It's that time again: Our summer event is coming up. We would like to invite you to our HiFi & Friends Fair 2020 from 3rd to 5th in Berlin! What to expect on these days, all information about our raffle as well as relevant hints regarding your and our security can be found on the program flyer, or in this article.

Home Cinema & Friends 2019: Stewart Filmscreen

We recently had Ralf Lulay as a guest, who distributes the Oscar-winning screens from Stewart in Germany. In this video, you will learn everything important about the history and production of Stewart and of course how you get your own Stewart canvas. You can find more information here. Have fun!

HiFi & Friends Expo 2019: Dali, NAD & Dirac Live

During the HiFi & Friends fair 2019 we shot a short video with Mike Besser from Dali and NAD about the Dirac Live calibration of the current NAD home cinema components. And also a few final words for our anniversary. Many thanks to Mike and enjoy the video!

Home Cinema Bonanza 2019

Like every year, as the weather gets chilly in autumn, we find ourselves getting excited about developments in Home Cinema and put together a Special Event to showcase the latest for you! This year we are hosting three specialist guests, our exclusive personal calibration offer, and some incredible deals!

Read on for further information and check out the full program flyer!