Category: Home Cinema

Video: The Denon AVC-A110 Anniversary Model

As part of our HiFi & Friends Expo 2020, we had Roland Krüger from Denon telling us all about the new collector's item to mark the 110th anniversary of the company's existence. The AVC-A110 is a true aficionado's indoor model. The 13.2 channel AV amplifier is 8K capable, supports all 3D audio formats, and looks very chic with its silver-graphite finish. Everything else on the anniversary model can be found in our video.

…And Some Good News: Lexicon’s Models Available Again

One month ago we announced that our RV-9 and RV-6 AV receivers from Lexicon were sold out. We're now happy to inform you that our promise of newly stocked devices has landed! This means all models are once again available again in both our online and retail store from now. Why not drop into our shop to see these beauties for yourself? We look forward to welcoming you.

Our Latest Video: NAD’s T778 AV Receiver

Already this spring, we were excitedly reporting on the T778 from NAD, and now we've finally integrated the AV receiver available to test in one of our Home Cinemas. Our colleague Alex was able to take a moment from our hectic retail business to present the model in brief. What is especially exciting is, of course, the ability to calibrate with Dirac Live.  Worth mentioning is that for the moment, NAD only grants access with the compressed version; however, the fully-equipped version is available for purchase in our store. For now, we hope you can enjoy this German-language video!  

Our Latest Video Explains Why We Never Stop Screen-Talking

This time we've been a bit more experimental: Our German-language latest video is devoted entirely to projector screens. And it's not to present products — we want to discuss why buying a projector screen needs to be an individualized decision. In the video, our in-house expert, Robert, discusses which screens are screens currently on the market, and the different functions they have. As Alex concludes — it doesn't boil down to just projecting onto a white wall; there are many particulars to be considered. These range from the spatial aspects of the room, as well as being tailored to your personal needs. We hope you enjoy it!

The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close

The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
The Lexicon MC-10 Pre-Amp Up Close
Another fascinating beauty in our range, and what we wonder: What do devices look like from the inside? We'd like to take this opportunity to present the MC-10 from Lexicon. We've already reported in detail on this pre-amp preamplifier, but of course, taking a closer look at this a high-quality model is worth it! Note the lack of superfluous connections ⁠— so that you can enjoy the optimal signal processing.

Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal

Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
Lexicon’s RV-9 Close-Up & Personal
After we recently showed the remarkable inner-workings of the RV-6, we now want to turn a light on RV-9 from Lexicon. This AV receiver has a lot to offer — that you can see from our continuing enthusiasm. Now we would like to show you what the chic home cinema component looks like with and without a lid. The latter is something you don't get to see every day. There are also pictures of the remote control and the included microphone.