Just In: The JBL 4349 From Northridge, California

Here in Berlin-Kreuzberg, the goods usually come in like hotcakes. However, we at the blog usually only get half of it. Instead, we're told which new devices and innovations in entertainment technology are currently being discussed. To counteract this and to bring the worlds of HiFi I'm Hinterhof closer together — and, above all, to give you our customers a little insight — we have documented the first opening of the JBL 4349 in today's article.

Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M Delivery Issues

We would like to inform you that the Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M digital-to-analog converter is currently not available. We know that this model has been very well received and that many of you were certainly looking forward to it. Unfortunately, however, we do not know at this time when we will be able to offer the model again.

Just In: NAD’s T778

It has been almost a year since we first reported on the T778 from NAD. We are pleased to finally be able to present the model. With this, you can (in the compressed version) calibrate your home theater with Dirac Live and furthermore, it can be used as a multiroom system. If you are interested, you can purchase the product from us. For German-speaking audiences, our video from last year gives an overview of everything you need to know about the AV receiver.