Mark Levinson’s 5000 Series Gets An Addition: The No. 5105 Turntable

The No. 5802 and the No. 5805 integrated amplifiers from Mark Levinson's 5000 Series released last year have been joined by four new devices. In addition to the No. 5101 (SA) CD player and network streamer with DA converter, the No. 5206 high-end preamplifier in dual mono design and the No. 5302 high-end stereo power amplifier, the upper class phono drive No. 5105 — which also is the subject of this article!

Shop By Appointment At HiFi im Hinterhof

Finally, the time has come! We welcome you back with "Click & Meet" in our retail store in Berlin-Kreuzberg. You can use our appointment form to reserve your personal consultation with one of our team members. We look forward to your visit!

Deep Tones Without Deep Pockets: The SVS 1000-Pro Series

At the end of February, a revised version of the 1000 subwoofer series of the manufacturer SVS appears with the models SB-1000-Pro and PB-1000-Pro of the 1000-Pro series. Anyone who wants "real" cinema sound for the home, i.e. not only wants to hear the bass, but also feel it, is well advised to use a subwoofer. A woofer is just as excellent for reproducing the lower frequencies of all styles of music. With the help of a designated bass speaker, any audiophile setup can be rounded off in this way, making the listening experience even more rousing.

Save On The Cambridge Audio Edge M

Cambridge Audio has thought of something special for all those who are interested in the Edge M — the new monoblock power amplifier from the Brits. If you already own the Edge W power amplifier, you can quote the serial number of your W model when purchasing the Edge M and receive a 20 percent discount on the monoblocks. You also get 20% off the Edge M when you buy the Edge NQ network player in combination with the monoblocks.    

Coming Soon: Hegel’s V10 Phono Preamp

Hegel is best known for its high-quality integrated amplifiers, which also feature streaming functions. Last fall, we already wrote an article about those same integrated amplifiers, a D/A converter, and a CD player from Hegel. Now we are pleased to announce that yet another model has joined the ranks of the top devices: The V10 phono preamplifier. In the following, we will take a look at it.