Cooking With (Clean) Gas! HiFi im Hinterhof Goes Green!

Clean energy and making a smooth transition has been a big topic in the HiFi industry and one that always generates a lot of discussion. We have now tackled the issue head-on and equipped our studios with the latest equipped our studios with the latest mains filter technology - this is part of the good sound for us anyway - but have converted the entire hi-fi and home cinema area and, thanks to our new photovoltaic system, are now running with self-generated energy: Directly from the sun into the transistor, for a particularly warm sound with radiant silvery highs.

Video: TV Calibration at HiFi im Hinterhof

We have already looked at this topic here in-depth. Now our ISF Level III certified colleague Peer introduces our TV calibration service in this video. Further information, also about projector calibration, which we also offer, can be found here.